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of service toの例文


  • seek to make your life long and of service to your people
  • you survive to be of service to us once again .
    生きているのは... もう一度協力 させるためよ。
  • barely a month out of service to the church and here we are .
    教会の仕事をやめてから 1ヶ月だ
  • i took a vow of service to repent for my sins during that sance .
    私は自分の罪を後悔して 神に身を捧げた
  • our reward is being of service to you
  • our reward is being of service to you .
  • and be of service to everyone !
  • to be of service to the world
    世界に貢献するか そして
  • but there is still some consolation in the knowledge that he can still be of service to his fellow man .
    仲間の役に立ったことは せめてもの救いだ
  • how ironic that a simple scholar with no ambition ... beyond a modest measure of seclusion , should , out of a clear sky ... find himself besieged by an army of fellow creatures ... all grimly determined to be of service to him .
    野望も無い一介の学者に 何という仕打ちだ ・・・隠遁生活をしているはずが 澄んだ空の向こうから強引に・・ ・・君達は、私が同胞の軍によって 取り囲まれている事に気付くべきだ・・